Introduction to final cut pro X
$85 members / $135 non-members
Saturdays 4 & 11 June, 10:00 – 18:00
Workshop led in French by Tomi Grgicevic
Between the release of Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut Pro X, Apple has made substantial architectural changes to their software, forcing users to relearn how to use it.
Through a combination of theoretical instruction and practical exercises, this course will develop participants’ technical ability, enabling them use this completely remodelled software to carry out simple editing independently.
The course is intended for beginners as well as those who have already worked with Final Cut 7, or another editing software, and would like to continue with Final Cut X. Only the basics of the software will be covered.
The following will be included in the course plan:
– Software interface
– Importing media on to FCP
– Managing video and audio clips through the software (Library, Event, Project)
– Organizing clips in a project (Smart Collections, Keywords, Events, etc.)
– Creating an FCP project
– Principles of Magnetic Timeline and Connected Clips
– Editing tools and their use in different editing situations
– Compound clips
– Transcoding media
– Video and audio effects
– Transitions
– Slowing down and speeding up
– Titles
– Finalizing and exporting a project
Practical exercises will be carried out so that each participant can put the theory they have learned into practice. Computers will be provided on demand, subject to availability. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops.
When: Saturday 4 June and 11 June, 10:00 – 18:00
Where: Vidéographe, 4550 Garnier Street, Montréal, QC H2J 3S7
Public transport: Mont-Royal metro; Buses 27, 45 and 97
Price: $85 members / $135 non-members
For further information on courses or to reserve a place, please contact
Olivia Lagacé
(514) 521-2116 (ext. 221)
Tomi Grgicevi
works as a director, cameraman, and editor on varied projects from independent film (fiction and documentary) to corporate videos, video clips, and shows. Originally from Slovenia, he moved to Montréal in 1993 and has made several documentaries and short fiction films, for which he has received, among other prizes, the Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois award for innovation.