Introduction to After Effects
with Jules Boissière
$90 members / $140 non members
Introduction to animation with After Effects
Twelve hours workshop given in French by Jules Boissière
This beginner-level course is intended for those with little or no experience of the After Effects animation software.
This course will cover the basics of the software, the interface, the concepts of motion design, the concepts of animations and 3D, and the rendering engine. Please see the course outline above for a detailed overview.
Each participant will be designated a computer during teaching sessions, so that they can put theory into practice through practical exercises. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops. Computers will be made available on demand for the duration of the course, subject to availability.
This course is given in line with Vidéographe’s mandate to support artistic creation, and is available to both members and non-members. While registration is open to all, places are limited.
Where : Vidéographe , 4550, rue Garnier, Montréal, QC H2J 3S7
When : May 18th and 19th 2019, from 10am to 5 pm
How to get to Vidéographe : métro – arrêt Mont-Royal; Bus – ligne 27, 45 et 97
Price : 90$ members / 140$ non members
For further information or to reserve a place, please contact
Olivia Lagacé
(514) 521-2116 (ext. 221)