© Xavier Curnillon, Duel, 2016
Xavier Curnillon
Current project
Soutien à la création
The making of an art film as part of the Conseil des arts de Montréal’s Optique dance residency programme. A creation of dance-fiction that combines two types of movement: contemporary and urban, performed by Louise Bédard and Justine Parisien.

Xavier Curnillon
Xavier Curnillon is a director and visual artist who specializes in recording movement. Trained at the Conservatoire du Cinéma, Paris, he began his career with a documentary work about threatened indigenous communities, for which he spent several months in Ecuador. He then spent three years teaching in Nunavik, in Quebec’s Great North. He went on to make his mark as a creator, director, and video-maker in Montréal’s dance world with choreographer Paul-André Fortier (Bras de plomb, Solo 30 X 30, Vertiges, Misfit Blues). He consolidated his expertise with numerous video projects in which he collaborated with various Montréal dancers and choreographers, such as Perception and Rouge et Bleu with Paul-André Fortier or Migrant Bodies with Louise Bédard, Su Feh-Lee, Manuel Roque and Emmanuel Jouthe. In Curnillon’s work, the ethnic and organic aspects of movement are emphasized and are mutually influential. His most recent film has received the award for best short art film at the Master of Art Film Festival.