© Mike Hoolboom, 3 Dreams of Horses, 2018
We animals
Vithèque - Online programming
With works by:
Alexandre Roy, Mike Hoolboom, Katherine Liberovskaya, Élène Tremblay, Yudi Sewraj, and Michèle Waquant.
Curator: Karine Boulanger / Vidéographe
The program We animals, available for 3 month on Vithèque, explores the proximity of humans and animals, whether historical, imaginary, physical, or psychological.
We animals
Even as we stand by and wait for the sixth mass extinction that threatens to befall us, the boundary between human being and animal fades day by day. The traditional hierarchy, convenient and reassuring, which positions us above other living beings, gradually crumbles as we gain greater understanding of the diversity of intelligence, awareness, and agency. Neuroscience, biology and also ethics and law throw the distinctions we make between animals’ feelings, affects, perceptions, psyches and rights, and our own into question. The videos that have been put together here relate the human experience to that of animals, even presenting them as interchangeable. Evoking history, mythology or psychology, they assert that the animal is human too. Read the entire essay [+]
Alexandre Roy, Tigre, 2 min 56 s, 2013
Mike Hoolboom, 3 Dreams of Horses, 6 min 20 s
Katherine Liberovskaya, Rantdance, 12 min (installation) 2009
Élène Tremblay, Flocon de neige, 6 min 12 s, 2015
Yudi Sewraj, Rut, 2 min 30 s, 1998
Michèle Waquant, À quoi rêvent les vieux ours ?, 26 min, 1982
Watch the online programming We animals [+]
See also: Espace art actuel, no. 121, Animal Point of View, winter 2019.