© Charlotte Clermont, Plants Are Like People, 2018
To Vidéographe with Love…
Artist call-out
Deadline for submission:
January 3, 2021 (before midnight)
In November 2021, Vidéographe will celebrate its 50th anniversary! Half a century of research and experimentation in moving image practices, initiated by a handful of passionate and idealistic artists.
We very much hope that you – our dear members and artists – will join us in celebrating this special occasion and would like to invite all artists who wish to to produce a ‘video card’. This can be on any theme and using any technique – we only ask that it is between 15 seconds and one minute (max) in duration.
You have complete carte blanche. Your card could take the form of a greeting card, a simple ‘hello’, an anecdote about Vidéographe, a ceremonial dance, or you could simply use the opportunity to dust off some unused images from your archives.
Our aim is to celebrate the experimental forms of moving image practices as well as the artists who created them, and to flood our community with enlightening, bold and creative images.
All videos will be uploaded to various social network platforms as well as to our website.
We will also mark this half-century through a series of events and festivities throughout 2021! Video programs, international collaborations, residencies, publications and parties will give us plenty of scope to celebrate artists’ works while continuing to build upon the networks of friendship in our milieu.
Throughout the course of its history, Vidéographe has always put artists at the heart of its mission. Our organization has always known the importance of promoting moving image practices and recognizing the media arts.
We intend to pursue this mission with you for the next 50 years and to continue to bring together an ever-growing community. Together, always!
Please send your videos via Wetransfer to technique@videographe.org
Lengh: between 1 sec and 1 min (max.)
Format: H264Resolution: 1920 x 1080p
Size: Max 10 Go