© Jules Saulnier, Postcard, 2014
New cartography: Digital humanities and realities
Curator: Lysanne Thibodeau
Artists: Yoakim Bélanger, Raphaëlle Bilodeau, Nathalie Bujold, Mélanie Carrier et Olivier Higgins, Pier-Philippe Chevigny, Mireille Dansereau, Annie Deniel, Chantal Dupont, Sébastien Gagné, Dominic Gagnon, Éléonore Goldberg, Co Hoedeman, Félix Lajeunesse et Paul Raphaël, Félix Lamarche, Fernand-Philippe Morin-Vargas, Andrée-Anne Roussel, Vincent René-Lortie et Cynthia Carazato, Alexandre Roy, Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre, Jules Saulnier, Vincent Toi, Paul Tom, Philippe Vaucher et Steven Woloshen
Today’s digital universe permeates our daily lives, but for moving image creators it has opened up the way to new forms of expression and new artistic genres. This series of programmes assembles some of Videographe’s recent acquisitions which explore some of these new narrative territories resulting from technical experimentation and aesthetic research.
This hybrid programming consists of 24 rich works of art, filmed on film or HD, gathered into six thematic chapters dealing with identity, war, exile, culture and technology. In a single programme, varied genres reveal a mix of approaches; alongside documentary you will find experimental fiction, filmic essays and various animation techniques.
Produced by new as well as accomplished artists, women and men of various experiences and backgrounds, these films trace a clear portrait of the world in which we live. Their visions dark or luminous, absurd or playful characterise well our era and act as a mirror, reflecting our own perceptions and questionings.
To encourage the local public and those from abroad, almost half of the works are without dialogue, the others are in French, English, Spanish or Mandarin, all subtitled.
These Digital Humanities and Realities will travel within America, in Europe and in Asia. They will be presented in cinematheques, museums, artist centres and universities. The presence of the artists and the curator will facilitate an exchange with the public and will be the opportunity to spark a dialogue about current media art practices and to identify new directions.
Identity : Womenkind
Textile de cordes, Nathalie Bujold,2013, 1 min 20
Lactée, Andrée-Anne Roussel, 2014, 14 min 42
Visages, Chantal Dupont, 2013, 2 min 14
Ces femmes qui marchent, Yoakim Bélanger, 2012, 7 min 38
Femelles, Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre, 2012, 32 min
Le Pier, Mireille Dansereau, 2014, 29 min 34
Men and Society
Not delivered, Vincent René-Lortie et Cynthia Carazato, 2013, 2 min
Condominium, Fernand-Philippe Morin-Vargas, 2013, 6 min
Monsieur L’Hermitte, Sébastien Gagné, 2013, 21 min
Des Hommes à la mer, Félix Lamarche, 2012, 18 min 11
Art and War
Errance, Éléonore Goldberg, 2013, 6 min 11
La Bille bleue, Co Hoedeman,2014, 6 min 12
Le Voyage du soldat, Annie Deniel, 2014, 7 min 45
Le Puits, Philippe Vaucher, 2013, 12 min 05
Exile : Profile Asia
Postcard, Jules Saulnier, 2014, 3 min
Différence d’altitude, Vincent Toi, 2011, 7 min 30
Un pays de silences, Paul Tom, 2013, 22 min 54
Tala, Pier-Philippe Chevigny, 2013, 12 min
Épicentres, Raphaëlle Bilodeau, 2013, 15 min 10
The sparkling river, Félix Lajeunesse et Paul Raphaël, 2013, 18 min
Techno et Apocalypse
Tigre, Alexandre Roy, 2013, 2 min 56
hoax_canular, Dominic Gagnon, 2013, 92 min
Cultures and Landscapes
1000 Plateaus (2004-2014), Steven Woloshen, 2014, 3 min 21
Québékoisie, Mélanie Carrier et Olivier Higgins, 2013, 80 min