© Marc Paradis, Réminiscences carnivores, 1989
Marc Paradis, un désir d’ogre at the FNC
Two pgroams presented in collaboration with the FNC, la Cinémathèque québécoise et Vidéographe.
Marc Paradis (1955-2019) is a pioneer of queer video in Quebec and Canada. From his first work, Le voyage de l’ogre (1981), he questions sexuality, the body, and homosexual identity. Obsessive and transgressive, his aesthetic oscillates between a raw and explicit realism (La cage) and a certain classicism, in the representation of bodies and pictorial references (Harems). The texts, their literary quality, and their declamation play a central role (Reminiscences carnivores) giving a tragic resonance to these stories of love, break-ups, and death. L’incident « Jones », Lettre à un amant, and Délivre-nous du mal form a triptych that condenses these intimate and plastic questions.
These two programs bring together 7 titles produced between 1981 and 1991. They accompany the launch by Vidéographe of the bilingual digital publication Marc Paradis, un désire d’ogre, which brings together three new texts by Luc Bourdon, Alexis Lemieux, and Denis Vaillancourt, the 17 videos produced by Paradis, two of which are unpublished, and a rich selection of personal documents – scripts, notes, and photos.
► Consult Marc Paradis, un désir d’ogre on Vithèque
PROGRAM 1 (69 min)
- Marc Paradis, Le voyage de l’ogre, 1981, 24 min
- Marc Paradis, Harems, 1991, 45 min
PROGRAM 2 (65 min)
- Marc Paradis, L’incident « Jones », 1986, 7 min
- Marc Paradis, Délivre-nous du mal, 1987, 9 min
- Marc Paradis, Lettre à un amant, 1988, 10 min
- Marc Paradis, Réminiscences carnivores, 1989, 19 min
- Marc Paradis, La cage, 1983, 20 min, vosta
► Check FNC‘s full program here