© Camila Forteza et Edson Niebla Rogil, Volcán, 2020
Vidéopoèmes en primeur
Free event
Les rendez-vous vidéopoésie 2021
The rendez-vous videopoésie competition is one of the highlighted activities of the Festival de la Poésie de Montréal (Montreal’s Poetry Festival). Through its original creations, it showcases a crossover between poetry and cinema. Watch the six finalist video poems at one of four online screenings.
- Annie St-Jean, Oiseaux statiques
- Laurence Olivier, Poème fantôme
- Gabrielle Harnois-Blouin et Charline Dally (le désert mauve), Corps minéral
- Mélissandre T-B, Pamplemousse
- Camila Forteza et Edson Niebla Rogil, Volcán
- Laurie-Anne Jalbert, Éparpillés
► June 1 – June 4, 7pm
Eye Rhymes, Poussière, Microcosmes
Following a call for applications in fall 2020, three poets were chosen by a jury to participate in the video co-creation project. At the same time, Vidéographe launched an appeal to its members. Filmmakers and poets were then paired up to collaborate on this completely new creation. The fruit of this collaboration is presented as a premiere during the FPM 2021.
- Klara du Plessis (poète) Qirou Yang (videographer), Eye Rhymes
- Karianne Trudeau Beaunoyer (poète) Philippe Léonard (videographer), Poussière
- Stéphane Martelly (poète) Raphaël Néron (vidéographer) Microcosmes
► June 4 – June 6, 4pm
For more information, visit Festival de la Poésie de Montréal‘s website.