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© Rosa, 2023. Video still. Réalisation et poème : Daphné B. et Maria Muchut



Deadline: March 4th, 2024

Since 2000, the FPM festival de la poesie de Montreal has brought together poets, researchers and publishers every year. Its role is to prolong the efforts of the poetry community and to promote the development of the public and the readership.

For an eighth year, the Festival de la poésie de Montréal (FPM) and Vidéographe invite poets and videographers to submit a videopoem as part of the Rendez-vous videopoésie.

The Rendez-vous videopoésie competition will take place during the next Festival, which will be held from May 27th to June 1st of 2024.

The videopoems will be selected by a jury. The best work will receive a prize of $ 500 and will be distributed by Vidéographe.


► Deadline: March 4th, 2024



  • A videopoem can be made by a videographer assuming the choice of the poem or co-directed by a videographer and a poet and, of course, a poet can assume the full realization.
  • Videopoems must be made by a poet or videographer living in Quebec or in Canada. If the poems are not in French, the videopoem must include French subtitles.
  • To be eligible for the competition, videopoems must have been made between January 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023.
  • If selected, the video must be delivered in ProRes format (1920 x 1080).
  • Each candidate may submit only one videopoem. The maximum duration of the videopoem is five minutes, including the credits.
  • A videopoem already submitted to RVVP can not be resubmitted in a previous edition, even with reworked content.
  • Candidates must have all rights involved in videopoem: images, texts, music, etc.
  • In the “Website” section of the form, candidates must provide a hyperlink (Vimeo, YouToube, .mov, h264, .mp4) through which it will be possible to view their videopoem.



  • The form of the videopoem can be inspired by any genre: fiction, experimental documentary, docu-fiction, etc. The exploration of unconventional narrative forms and plastic research are encouraged.
  • The use of new technologies is suggested.
  • It is recommended not to illustrate the text in a linear fashion



► Apply your videopoem with this application form.

For further information, please contact the Festival de la poésie de Montréal at coordination@festivaldelapoesiedemontreal.com.

© Rosa, 2023. Video still. Réalisation et poème : Daphné B. et Maria Muchut



Deadline: March 4th, 2024

Since 2000, the FPM festival de la poesie de Montreal has brought together poets, researchers and publishers every year. Its role is to prolong the efforts of the poetry community and to promote the development of the public and the readership.

For an eighth year, the Festival de la poésie de Montréal (FPM) and Vidéographe invite poets and videographers to submit a videopoem as part of the Rendez-vous videopoésie.

The Rendez-vous videopoésie competition will take place during the next Festival, which will be held from May 27th to June 1st of 2024.

The videopoems will be selected by a jury. The best work will receive a prize of $ 500 and will be distributed by Vidéographe.


► Deadline: March 4th, 2024



  • A videopoem can be made by a videographer assuming the choice of the poem or co-directed by a videographer and a poet and, of course, a poet can assume the full realization.
  • Videopoems must be made by a poet or videographer living in Quebec or in Canada. If the poems are not in French, the videopoem must include French subtitles.
  • To be eligible for the competition, videopoems must have been made between January 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023.
  • If selected, the video must be delivered in ProRes format (1920 x 1080).
  • Each candidate may submit only one videopoem. The maximum duration of the videopoem is five minutes, including the credits.
  • A videopoem already submitted to RVVP can not be resubmitted in a previous edition, even with reworked content.
  • Candidates must have all rights involved in videopoem: images, texts, music, etc.
  • In the “Website” section of the form, candidates must provide a hyperlink (Vimeo, YouToube, .mov, h264, .mp4) through which it will be possible to view their videopoem.



  • The form of the videopoem can be inspired by any genre: fiction, experimental documentary, docu-fiction, etc. The exploration of unconventional narrative forms and plastic research are encouraged.
  • The use of new technologies is suggested.
  • It is recommended not to illustrate the text in a linear fashion



► Apply your videopoem with this application form.

For further information, please contact the Festival de la poésie de Montréal at coordination@festivaldelapoesiedemontreal.com.

© Rosa, 2023. Video still. Réalisation et poème : Daphné B. et Maria Muchut



Deadline: March 4th, 2024

Since 2000, the FPM festival de la poesie de Montreal has brought together poets, researchers and publishers every year. Its role is to prolong the efforts of the poetry community and to promote the development of the public and the readership.

For an eighth year, the Festival de la poésie de Montréal (FPM) and Vidéographe invite poets and videographers to submit a videopoem as part of the Rendez-vous videopoésie.

The Rendez-vous videopoésie competition will take place during the next Festival, which will be held from May 27th to June 1st of 2024.

The videopoems will be selected by a jury. The best work will receive a prize of $ 500 and will be distributed by Vidéographe.


► Deadline: March 4th, 2024



  • A videopoem can be made by a videographer assuming the choice of the poem or co-directed by a videographer and a poet and, of course, a poet can assume the full realization.
  • Videopoems must be made by a poet or videographer living in Quebec or in Canada. If the poems are not in French, the videopoem must include French subtitles.
  • To be eligible for the competition, videopoems must have been made between January 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023.
  • If selected, the video must be delivered in ProRes format (1920 x 1080).
  • Each candidate may submit only one videopoem. The maximum duration of the videopoem is five minutes, including the credits.
  • A videopoem already submitted to RVVP can not be resubmitted in a previous edition, even with reworked content.
  • Candidates must have all rights involved in videopoem: images, texts, music, etc.
  • In the “Website” section of the form, candidates must provide a hyperlink (Vimeo, YouToube, .mov, h264, .mp4) through which it will be possible to view their videopoem.



  • The form of the videopoem can be inspired by any genre: fiction, experimental documentary, docu-fiction, etc. The exploration of unconventional narrative forms and plastic research are encouraged.
  • The use of new technologies is suggested.
  • It is recommended not to illustrate the text in a linear fashion



► Apply your videopoem with this application form.

For further information, please contact the Festival de la poésie de Montréal at coordination@festivaldelapoesiedemontreal.com.