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© Owen Eric Wood, Self Portrait, 2004

Lucie Szechter
Sharing One’s Own Face

Screening and discussion

Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 7pm
at Dazibao, Montreal


5455, Gaspé av., #109 (RC), Montreal
Free entry. Limited seats.
Priority will be given to those who have made a reservation.


Fifth and last iteration of dv_vd nights for 2017-2018, a fruitful collaboration between Vidéographe and Dazibao, Sharing One’s Own Face is a project by French researcher and artist Lucie Szechter made from Vidéographe’s collection as part of a research and curatorial residency.

Sharing One’s Own Face, considers the issues raised by the face in the practice of filming the self. She uses the term ‘filming the self’ in a broad sense as self-filming occurs as soon as the film-maker is present on screen in his or her own film. During this residency, she will specifically try to answer the question ‘what is it to film oneself as someone else?’ Using a body of videographic works selected from Vidéographe’s collection.

What is autofilmage (self-filming)?
Literally, auto, from the Greek αὐτὸς, means ‘by oneself’ and filmage, the act of filming. To film oneself. The first device for self-filming that comes to mind is undoubtedly the camera held by a fist turned towards the person who is filming themselves, as when ‘selfie’ videos are shot on a cell phone. This is easily identified when you come across a field of arms holding recording devices. The gesture brings together two functions of the video’s auteur within the actual frame itself: the person being filmed is also the person shooting the video, and vice versa.

What if the auteur of this video – or this film – had positioned their camera on a tripod started recording, and then sat down in front of the lens? And what if the auteur had asked a cameraman to film them? In the context of the definition that interests us here, this would qualify as self-filming, the term being in this case understood in the broad sense: when the filmmaker decides to physically enter into the field of vision of their own film, like Jonathan Caouette (Tarnation…), Vito Acconci (Theme Song…), Sylvie Laliberté (Bonbons Bijoux…), Agnès Varda (The Gleaners and I…), Nanni Moretti (Dear Diary…) and Charlie Chaplin (Modern Times…), or like all of the cameos – those fleeting appearances that cinephiles adore – by Alfred Hitchcock in his own films (Strangers on a Train…). The spectrum of self-filming is very broad – we could spend long winter evenings compiling lists of them. Self-filming is therefore not limited to a cinematographic genre in itself – it is simply one tool among many that the auteur has chosen to use. Nevertheless, all of these appearances – whether they last several seconds or several hours – have this in common: they are never anodyne. They are always an event. To varying degrees, once the viewer recognizes the filmmaker on the screen, the character that they embody in the film inevitably seems to take on a reflexive dimension. In certain cases, self-filming can even be divisive and as irritating as it is moving, as is the case in such works by Xavier Dolan, Alain Cavalier or Maïwenn, for example.

I have put together a program of several films – or significant extracts – in which the auteur steps in front of the camera. In curating this program, I considered the question from the perspective of the work’s reception – the viewers – and its enunciation – the filmmakers – simultaneously. What does it mean to me, as a viewer, to know that the person being filmed is also the person who is making the film? What is the effect, for example, of the filmmaker’s choice not to use an actor to play the role that we see on-screen? And, from the auteur’s perspective, what might their motivations be for choosing to put their own physical presence into their film? I will let you appreciate these works in light of these questions, knowing that there will of course be as many possible answers as there are viewers in the room. Enjoy!”

Lucie Szechter


PROGRAMME (93 min)
Abba Mao, Pascal Lièvre, 2011, 4 min 30 s
L’image de l’Afrique au Québec, Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, 1986, 27 min  (extrait 7 min 35 s)
AD INFINITUM., Lydie Jean-dit-Pannel, 2017, 34 min (extrait 6 min 53 s)
Cut the parrot, Donigan Cumming, 1996, 40 min (extrait 6 min 53 s)
You Must Remember This, marshalore, 1978-1979, 26 min
Manipuler son corps, Laëtitia Bourget, 1998, 4 min 30 s
Self portrait, Eric Owen Wood, 2004, 2 min 45 s
Headstrong, Chantal duPont, 2000, 30 min (extrait 8 min 11 s)
Got away in the dying moments, Dennis Day et Ian Middleton, 1992, 5 min
Le récit d’A, Esther Valiquette, 1990, 20 min


Born in Nantes, France in 1987, Lucie Szechter obtained a Master’s Degree in Cinema Studies at the Université de Montréal before enrolling in the research/practice-based doctoral program ‘Art and Sciences’ at the École de Recherche Graphique (Brussels) and the Université de Liège with the national grant FRESH awarded by the FNRS. In 2014, Szechter shot her first short fiction film Plage(s), produced by the Groupe de Recherches et d’Essais Cinématographiques (G.R.E.C). Plage(s) has been selected for numerous festivals, including Côté Court (Pantin) and the Festival International de Films de Femmes (Créteil), and has received the Courts d’ici 2014 prize in Nice from Un festival c’est trop court. The following year, Szechter was invited by LE BAL contemporary art centre in Paris to realise a film project with children as part of their program, La Fabrique du regard. In 2016, she finished her second film, 27 ans, a documentary work combining sound testimonies and found footage. At the end of 2016, she was invited by G.R.E.C., France 2 and the Agence du court métrage to make a one-minute film for a collection paying tribute to Lumière operatives. Szechter is currently shooting her new film, L’Oreille décollée, produced by Aurora films with the support of the Pays de la Loire region and CNC. She also writes about film for Canadian and French magazines. cargocollective.com/lucieszechter

Logo Dazibao
Logo Dv-vd

© Charlotte Clermont, Plants Are Like People, 2018

Technical Support Program

Call for submissions

Deadline : March 1st, 2022


Deadline : March 1st, 2021

* New: 4 calls for submissions per year

Program description

The Technical Support Program is intended to support artists interested in experimentation and in pushing the boundaries of the moving image in all its forms.
This support can be used in the production phase of the project or in the post-production phase.

A total of 4 calls for submissions per year will be made, for which the following are the deadlines;

  • March 1st (for projects that will start between April and June)
  • June 1st (for projects that will start between July and September)
  • September 1st (for projects that will start between October and December)
  • December 1st (for projects that will start between January and March)

Please note that 2 projects per call for submissions will be selected.

Artists selected under this program have free access to:

  • Our editing suites, sound booth and digitizing equipment for a maximum of two weeks. These two weeks can be contiguous or spread over 3 months.
  • Free access to available equipment belonging to Vidéographe.
  • Two meetings with Vidéographe’s team to discuss the project and its circulation potential: one meeting at the start of the project in order to specify the needs and a second meeting at the end of the project.
  • The possibility of organizing a private screening at Vidéographe.

It is not necessary to be a member of Vidéographe to apply; however, should your proposal be accepted, we will ask that you become a member. Once you have signed the agreement, you will have three months to take advantage of the benefits that this program has to offer. Regular membership fees are $50 + tx per year and student membership fees are $25 + tx per year.

We are looking to support independent experimental or documentary works that stand apart for their currency and endeavour to renew the artistic language. We will accept proposals for single-channel video, installation, Web-based work, and all other forms of moving image. We consider all genres—video art, experimental work, fiction, documentary or essay form, animation, dance video, and videoclip. Please note that all works must be independent and non-commercial. Projects of a conventional nature, such as classic short narrative film or television documentary will not be considered.

Once your project is finished, you may submit it for active distribution by Vidéographe. Please note however that acceptance into the Technical Support Program does not guarantee that your work will be distributed.


  • Candidates must possess full editorial and creative control of the project.
  • Projects must be independent and non-commercial.
  • Projects that have received support through this program may not be re-submitted.
  • Student projects are not admissible.
  • We encourage traditionally under-represented artists to submit a project. Vidéographe is driven by the conviction that multiple points of views are necessary to enrich society and the discipline we work in.

Selection process

Works will be chosen by a selection committee made up of Vidéographe staff and members.

Projects that are retained will be subject to a contractual agreement between the artist and Vidéographe. Schedules, revised budgets, and requirements regarding equipment, rooms, and technical support will be planned and clearly laid out, as will the terms and conditions relative to each party.

Application file:

  • Contact information and website if applicable
  • Project description (500 words)
  • Schedule; (Overall project timeline and detailed timeline for support for creation).
  • Technical needs; (Please consult our website for more details on our editing suites and equipment).
  • Resume.
  • Supporting documentation (current or past projects);
  • Maximum 10 minutes of video footage. Please send a link to your video(s). Do not forget to include the password if applicable; and/or maximum 15 images (max: 1024 px wide, 72 dpi); sketches, plans, and mock-ups may also be submitted in PDF format.

Submission of your file

Applications will be accepted by email only. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent. Please write TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROGRAM in the subject heading of your email and send your file to info@videographe.org. Please send your file as a SINGLE PDF document (including links to videos). Files found in the text section of the email will not be taken into account.

Please allow three weeks for a response. Vidéographe chooses eight projects per year.

© Nathalie Bujold

Monograph : Work – Nathalie Bujold



Publication of OUVRAGE/ WORK 

This monograph, the result of a long period of study delving into Nathalie Bujold’s body of work over more than thirty years, brings together her most emblematic works. The authors whose essays appear here have closely followed her explorations or consider her artistic approach in a spirit of discovery and adventure. Their gaze, both probing and playful, is reflected in their relevant, enthusiastic writings about Bujold’s multidisciplinary and multimedia practice, now focused particularly on video production. The questions they raise cut across disciplines, prompting us to re-examine certain specific aspects of the foundations of her oeuvre. In turn, Dominique Sirois-Rouleau, Nathalie Bachand, Sylvain Campeau, and Édouard Monnet write about works with content related to the concepts of the object, the motif, the image, time, and movement intrinsic to the making of Bujold’s “books.” Taking us through time and including the artist’s incorporation of new technological tools, this nonlinear, often light-hearted overview encourages us to browse and constantly piques our curiosity about the forms of a vision constantly renewed by movement and the fragmentation of the object. (excerpt of the preface of Sonia Pelletier)


Artist: Nathalie Bujold
Texts of: Nathalie Bachand, Sylvain Campeau, Édouard Monnet, Sonia Pelletier, Dominique Sirois-Rouleau
Graphic Design: bureau60a, Vidéographe
Edited by: Sonia Pelletier

Publishing: Vidéographe
Parution: May 30 2024

ISBN: 978-2-922302- 10-3 (printed), 200 p.
ISBN: 978-2-922302-11-0 (digital – PDF)

PRICE: $49.00 + tax and shipping

► For purchase, please contact Mathilde Fauteux: distribution@videographe.org



Nathalie Bujold is a multidisciplinary artist, living and working in Montréal. In 1985,  she was one of the founders of the artist-run centre l’Œil de Poisson in Québec City. She obtained an undergraduate degree from Université Laval in 1992, where she won the René-Richard Award. In 2008, she was awarded the Artistic Creation Award from the Conseils des Arts et des lettres du Québec. 2016 she received her master’s degree in Studio and Media Arts from UQAM. Her one-channel videos are distributed by Vidéographe and she is represented by ELLEPHANT gallery.