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© Monelle Doiron & Fernande Chouinard, J’aurais dû m’envoler



Tuesday, May 28 2024 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Cinéma moderne - 5150, boul. Saint-Laurent



The Rendez-vous vidéopoésie 2024 jury, made up of Catherine Boivin, Jonas Fortier and Mathieu Samaille, has chosen twelve finalists with incredible, innovative proposals from some thirty submissions. Join the great celebration of video-poetry!


Video poems presented:

  • EspectroAllison Acza Figueroa Rojas
  • J’avance en fantômeSarah Boutin
  • Éphémère, Émilie Bouffard
  • Brûlure d’amour, Mathieu Hommery
  • Instrucciones para sobrevivir al fin del mundoMariana Flores Villalba
  • Les tournesols poussent même dans la slush, Laetitia Rivest
  • Fille méchanteBéatrice Lepage & Juliette Langevin
  • Soaké, Jonathan Roy
  • Ciel ouvertAnnie Saint-Jean & Andrée-Anne Fréchette
  • Pandering, Marc Chamberlain
  • J’aurais dû m’envoler, Monelle Doiron & Fernande Chouinard
  • Nipi utaiamun, Uapukun Mestokosho


7 p.m. performance: Screening of the 12 finalist video poems, preceded by the experimental sound poetry film The Dog Wore a Hat by poet James Hawes, starring Stuart Ross and produced by Turret House. The screening will be followed by the presentation of the Rendez-vous Poetry Prize.


9 p.m. performance: Screening of the 12 finalist video poems, preceded by the poetic and cinematographic project Ancrages with the poets : D.M. Bradford, Laura Doyle Péan, Lorrie Jean-Louis, Fabrice Koffy, Attou Mamat, Stéphane Martelly, Chloé Savoie-Bernard and Deanna Smith.


Since 2014, the Festival de la Poésie de Montréal has celebrated videopoetry, a hybrid genre that straddles art-video, film, and literature. This unique form blends elements from these creative fields to create encounters between image, sound, and text, as well as between poets and filmmakers, all presented as short films.


Launched in 2016, the RVVP competition in partnership with Vidéographe is open to Quebec and Canadian poets and video artists from all horizons through a call for video-poems in French or with French subtitles. 


The Rendez-vous Vidéopoésie will take place on Tuesday, May 28, at Cinéma Moderne, as part of the Festival de la Poésie de Montréal, running from May 26 to June 2, 2024. The event will feature an award ceremony with directors and poets in attendance.


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Introduction to Isadora – The Video Installation Toolbox
Sam Meech


September 14th and 15th, 2024
Vidéographe, 4550 Garnier street, Montreal QC, H2J 3S7

125$ + taxes

Click here to register

Registration deadline: September 9th, 2024


Do you want to run two videos running on two different screens at the same time? Do you want to easily projection map your video to a wall or an object? Do you want to include randomness in your installation? A two-day beginners workshop introducing artists to Isadora interactive video software and exploring how it can be applied to video installations. We will be considering: Multi channel video and configuring displays, synchronization, real-time effects, ‘scenes’ – structure, automation and randomization, adding a control panel, basic projection mapping, basic interactive triggers, optimization for performance, connecting to projectors and less common displays, configuring a mac mini to run your installation for a month, and exploration! Isadora is a tool I use a lot for my own arts practise within interactive installation and projection design for theater and dance. It is widely used in visual, performing, and interactive arts. I have taught many workshops to artists and non-artists, and I believe it has a super simple learning curve, so it is very easy to pick up.  It also has a very helpful community on the forums.


  • 12 hours of group training
  • Where: Vidéographe, 4550 Garnier street, Montreal QC, H2J 3S7
  • Dates and time: September 14th and 15th, 2024 from 10AM to 5PM (with a 1 hour lunch break)
  • Public transportation: Mount-Royal metro station; bus lines 27, 45 and 97
  • Cost: 125$ + taxes
    • *The workshop includes a one month subscription to Isadora.


This workshop will be given in English.

Please note that LSQ and ASL interpreters can be arranged. If you identify as d/Deaf and would like an interpreter, please contact Mick Sand before registering.

Mick Sand


(514) 521-2116 (extension 221)


For any additional information regarding trainings, please contact:

Mick Sand


(514) 521-2116 (extension 221)


About the workshop leader:

Sam Meech

Sam Meech is an artist and researcher from Huddersfield, UK whose practice includes documentary, video feedback installations, and machine knitted animations.

Previously a professor at Concordia University (Intermedia) and Manchester School of Art, Sam’s research interests include the use of video feedback in arts practice (‘Video in the Abyss’) and the impact of gentrification on textile workers in Manchester (‘Fabrications’). Sam’s experience in experimental film collections and exhibition includes a residency and commission with the North West Film Archive, UK (‘Noah’s Ark’), and even building two community cinemas through his ‘Small Cinema’ project.

He once hosted a 24-hour screening of Groundhog Day, and continues to make a new work each year based on the film.


This workshop was made possible thanks to the support of:


© Vidéographe

Free on Vithèque: 50 Years of the Moving Image



Over the decades, Vidéographe has not only evolved alongside technological advancements but has also served as a catalyst for experimentation, innovation, and artistic exploration. In this spirit, 50 Years of Moving Images pays tribute to this rich heritage, bringing together texts and perspectives from esteemed authors such as France Choinière, Julie Ravary-Pilon, Luc Bourdon, M Mensah and Sam Meech.

► Dive into the history and rich heritage of Vidéographe, now available for free on Vithèque. Click here to access the publication [+]