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© Bridget Moser, My Crops Are Dying But My Body Persists, 2020

dv_vd : Courting Otherness: Prop Performance and Camp in Contemporary Canadian Video Art


November 2nd, 2023 - 7pm
Dazibao Gallery 5455, avenue de Gaspé, espace 109 Montréal (Québec) Canada H2T 3B3

Free entry

Vidéographe and Dazibao are proud to welcome the talented duo Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau to present an exclusive program as part of our dv_vd series.


Courting Otherness : Prop Performance and Camp in Contemporary Canadian Video Art.

We’ve assembled this program because we feel the intersection of prop performance and camp has been overlooked in the Canadian art context. What we are presenting tonight is a small sample of a longer list that could go well beyond the video medium; indeed, most of the artists shown in this program also work in sculpture, installation, and performance. What unites them is the important place that objects take in the staging of their video works, and a performance style that, through slapstick, deadpan interpretation, humour, or irony, manages to elaborate a critique of the world we live in, while captivating us via weirdness or absurdity. These objects will be either wearable artworks made in the studio, bricolaged appendages, lavish costumes, unaltered items ordered from Wish.com and Amazon, or more subtly, the evocation of these objects and how they impact the organization of the lives of the artists. In most cases, the subject of the work is directly about the relationship between the performer and these objects; props that serve as a catalyst for the performer to enter a transformation—a pirate on shore leave arriving home wearing a completely different costume of an equally iconic male archetype: the cowboy. His suit, however, shows irregular details: unexpected ropes and extensions are present, facilitating interactions with his bird companion (Bourschied). 

Props also act as a tool to affirm and reinforce identity, by defying the viewer’s gaze, such as wearing highly exaggerated makeup, prostheses, and clothing to create a drag persona critiquing one’s own experience in drag circuits as a non-binary person (Sin). Or in a more ironic manner, poking at cosplay and gamer subcultures via absurd, often anthropomorphic costuming to critique the widespread misogyny in these spaces (Ben David). Props can also support a personal narrative by proxy, like serving as material and metaphorical commentary of a bittersweet auto-fiction of youth fame (Eyres). The props may be absent from the screen, mentioned only to support the context that the protagonists’ art-world day jobs prevent them from spending time on their art practice (Life of a Craphead).

Props can take the front stage, while keeping a tenuous relation with the narrative, making us wonder if the slapstick performance is meant to punctuate the series or one-liners on over-consumeristic anxiety, or vice-versa (Moser). Furthering this disjointed approach to collage into a scathing critique of the art world’s passing interest in digital market-oriented fads, where props become the object of said critique, through a dizzying series of hard cuts. Amongst these clips, the protagonist is seen in snippets, dressed as a Phantom of the Opera-esque cosplay bear, who looms over as a sort of reaper of grifter fads (Cruz). Props, through theatricality, thus aid in the telling of a wide array of stories. Via this intersection of props and camp, the props used by this group of artists function to underline humour, absurdity, the uncanny, and artifice, creating artwork that can destabilize and entertain while being steadfast in its criticality. 

–  Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau


PROGRAM ( 1 hr 6 min 50 s)

  • Bridget Moser, My Crops Are Dying But My Body Persists, 2020, 21 min 57 s
  • Erica Eyres, Clay Head, 2015, 7 min 7 s
  • Life of a Craphead, Life of Life of a Craphead, 2020, 14 min 15 s
  • Marissa Sean Cruz, BILLED-A-BEAR ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ, 2021, 6 min 29
  • Maya Ben David, Ferris Wheel Pregnancy, 2023, 1 min 54 s
  • Mike Bourschied, The wellbeing of things: A 5km race, 2017, 9 min 30 s
  • Sin Wai Kin, Tell me everything you saw, and what you think it means, from A View from Elsewhere, 2018, 5 min 38 s




Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau are installation artists who work across video, performance, sculpture, sound, text, and photography. Their collaborative practice is rooted in the theatrical and the choreographic and examines the slippery and complex relationships between bodies and inanimate objects. These subjects are examined through the lens of chronic illness. They are based in Tiohtiá:ke (Montréal) and have worked collaboratively since 2000.

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© Vidéographe

Free on Vithèque: 50 Years of the Moving Image



Over the decades, Vidéographe has not only evolved alongside technological advancements but has also served as a catalyst for experimentation, innovation, and artistic exploration. In this spirit, 50 Years of Moving Images pays tribute to this rich heritage, bringing together texts and perspectives from esteemed authors such as France Choinière, Julie Ravary-Pilon, Luc Bourdon, M Mensah and Sam Meech.

► Dive into the history and rich heritage of Vidéographe, now available for free on Vithèque. Click here to access the publication [+]

Technical Support Program

Call for submissions

Open at all times

Application Deadline:

Open at all times.


Program Description:

The Technical Support Program is intended to support artists interested in experimentation and in pushing the boundaries of the moving image in all its forms. The kind of support offered is tailored to each project depending on the project’s specific pre-defined needs. This support can be used in the research phase, the production phase or in the post-production phase of a project.


Artists selected under this program have free access to:

Vidéographe’s editing suites, sound booth, digitizing equipment, and analog and digital video equipment up to a value of 500$. Should the project require additional support thereafter a preferential rate will be applied. Please note that artists are expected to be self-sufficient as Vidéographe’s team can only offer limited hands-on technical support.


Artists can also benefit from up to two meetings with Vidéographe’s team to discuss the project and to receive feedback. These meetings could be with different members of the team depending on how far along the project is and on the specific needs of the project and the artist.



Vidéographe is looking to support independent experimental, or documentary works that stand apart for their currency and endeavour to renew the artistic language. We will accept proposals for single-channel video, installation, Web-based work, and all other forms of moving image. We consider all genres: video art, experimental work, fiction, documentary or essay form, animation, dance video, and videoclip. Please note that all works must be independent and non-commercial. Projects of a conventional nature, such as classic short narrative film or television documentary will not be considered.


  • Candidates must possess full editorial and creative control of the project.
  • Projects must be independent and non-commercial.
  • Projects that have received support through this program may not be re-submitted.
  • Student projects are not admissible.


We encourage traditionally under-represented artists to submit a project. Vidéographe embraces the notion of an intellectual community enriched by diversity along many axes, including race, indigeneity, ethnicity, trans/nationality, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, class, age, religion, ability, and neurodiversity.


Evaluation criteria:

Proposals are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Contribution of the Technical Support Program to project’s development.
  • Thoroughness and relevance of research.
  • Innovative character of the project.


Selection process:

Works will be chosen by a selection committee made up of Vidéographe staff members. Projects that are retained will be subject to a contractual agreement between the artist and Vidéographe. Schedules, revised budgets, and requirements regarding equipment, rooms, and technical support will be planned and clearly laid out, as will the terms and conditions relative to each party.



Applications must include the following:

  • The candidate’s contact information and website (if applicable).
  • An artist statement (max 300 words)
  • A project description (max 500 words)
  • A schedule including the overall project timeline and detailed timeline for the Technical Support Program.
  • Technical requirements (please consult our website for more details on our editing suites and equipment).
  • The candidate’s CV (max 3 pages).
  • Visual support material including current or past projects. Maximum of 10 minutes of video footage. Please send a link to your video(s). Do not forget to include the password if applicable. Up to 15 images, sketches, plans, and mock-ups may also be submitted in PDF format.


Applications will be accepted by email only. Please send your file as a SINGLE PDF document including links to videos and other visual support material (max 25MB). Incomplete applications will not be considered nor will files found in the text section of the email.


Please write technical support program in the subject heading of your email and send your application to info@videographe.org. An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent within 1 week of receipt.


Note that it is not necessary to be a member of Vidéographe to apply; however, should your proposal be accepted, we will ask that you become a member. Once you have signed the agreement, you will have up to six months to take advantage of the benefits that this program has to offer. Regular membership fees are $50 + taxes per year and student membership fees are $25 + taxes per year.


Once your project is finished, you may submit it for active distribution by Vidéographe. Please note however that acceptance into the Technical Support Program does not guarantee that your work will be distributed.


For equity reasons, should you require any accommodations or need to submit your application in an alternative format, please contact the program coordinator at info@videographe.org or at (514) 521-2116 ext: 221.


Please allow six weeks for a response. Please note that Vidéographe can only support a limited number of projects per year.